Other Christian eBooks - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Gagging of God, The

Gagging of God, The

by D.A. Carson

The Gold Medallion Award-winning book, The Gagging of God, presents a persuasive case for Christ as the only way to God. Is Jesus the only way to God? This clear, critically-acclaimed, scholarly response to that question affirms the deep need for the Gospel's exclusive message in today's increasingly pluralistic global community. The Gagging of God o… Read more…

Journey Into God's Word

Journey Into God's Word

by J. Daniel Hays and J. Scott Duvall

Life is a journey, and like any journey, it requires an accurate, reliable roadmap to get us where we need to go. God has provided such a guide in his Word. But just as a navigator needs to learn how to interpret all the contours and symbols of a map, so also we need to be able to understand how the Bible communicates its directions to us. Journey Into God  Read more…

The King has Come

The King has Come

by James Montgomery Boice

The birth of a king is normally marked by lavish national celebrations, a gathering of dignitaries and great joy. But what if he is born in a cave, is surrounded by animals and his first visitors are unknown shepherds? And what if his birth day presents are obscure and seemingly useless? You may think that perhaps you have the wrong baby! … Read more…

18 Words

18 Words

by J.I. Packer

If the modern world can be characterized by one thing it is probably the enormous increase in the number of words around - but that increase has also been accompanied by a seemingly corresponding decrease in understanding. It is the irony of the information age that instead of bringing clarity it has raised uninformed opinion to the same level as truth. … Read more…

My Conversion

My Conversion

by Charles Spurgeon

I was once preaching on conversion and salvation, and I felt, as preachers often do, that it was dry work to tell this story. A dull, dull tale it was to me. Suddenly, the thought crossed my mind, "Why, you are a poor, lost, ruined sinner yourself. Tell it, tell it as you received it. Begin to tell of the grace of God as you trust you feel it yourself." … Read more…

Letters to the Church Text & Audio Lecture Collection

Letters to the Church Text & Audio Lecture Collection

by Karen H. Jobes

Narrated by Karen H. Jobes

Respected New Testament scholar Karen Jobes explores the cultural and theological background of Hebrews and the general epistles (James through Jude) in Letters to the Church. Writing from an evangelical perspective, Jobes addresses issues of historical relevance as well as how these ancient books connect with Christian faith and practice today. … Read more…

CLC Bible Companion

CLC Bible Companion

The CLC Bible Companion was named the 2010 Reference Book of the Year award by the UK Christian Resources Together. It is a set of five resources that make an all-in-one, full color comprehensive reference guide to the Bible, designed to enable teachers, preachers and lay persons alike around the world to understand and communicate the message of the Bible t… Read more…

A Little Guide to Christian Spirituality

A Little Guide to Christian Spirituality

by Glen G. Scorgie

Navigating the contemporary spiritual maze is a challenge. This book will help readers: • Think clearly about Christian spirituality • Understand its basic dynamics, and • Utilize classic and contemporary resources with discernment Join Glen on his sabbatical pilgrimages to… Read more…



by Charles Spurgeon

Nine devotional expositions on the way of salvation as stated in Scripture. "God has not put the treasure into the earthen vessel merely for the vessel's own sake, but that the treasure may afterwards be poured out from it, that others may thereby be enriched." Charles Haddon Spurgeon's remarks well illustrate his strong belief in… Read more…

Cappuccino with Colossians

Cappuccino with Colossians

by Sandra Glahn

Cappuccino with Colossians, a Coffee Cup Bible Study, contains a Monday through Friday Bible study, complete with the Biblical Text in the NET Bible translation, questions and application-oriented devotionals for lighter weekend reading. You will encounter in the humble Son the God who created all things and through whom all things hold together—from the v… Read more…

Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ Study Guide

Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ Study Guide

by John Piper

This full-length guide accompanies group members through DVD presentations by John Piper and includes opportunities for reflection, penetrating questions, and five daily assignments per week so that churches, small groups, classrooms, and families may learn to behold and delight in Jesus for who he really is. In 2 Corin… Read more…

Abraham or The Obedience of Faith

Abraham or The Obedience of Faith

by F.B. Meyer

Abraham, known and revered for his faith, walked before God. His life is a testimony to the power of faith and what faith requires. In Abraham or The Obedience of Faith, F.B. Meyer eloquently tells the story of one of the greatest men in history who lived a life of faith. Abraham's life is a witness to the fact that faith can grow in our lives.… Read more…

(Number of titles: 1136)